You are a top performer and have invested considerable time and effort throughout the year, yet still haven’t secured a promotion. According to the Society of Human Resources Management, the average promotion rate in organizations is merely 6%. The increasing use of AI tools in firms has also heightened concerns about both short- and long-term job security.

However, experts suggest that there are strategies to improve your chances and enhance your value, primarily by becoming indispensable in your current role. Here are some expert tips.

Establish Clear Goals

Your personal and professional goals will form the foundation of your advancement plan. When setting these goals, seek input from your manager and mentors. Obtain constructive feedback from multiple sources, particularly those in roles you aspire to.


Climbing the organizational ladder is competitive. To stand out, strive to exceed expectations and standards. Consider your personal brand and unique value proposition, or specialize in a specific topic to become a subject matter expert. Take on challenging projects that enhance your visibility, and seek opportunities to raise your profile beyond your company, such as at industry events.

Make a point of expressing your interest in advancement and promote yourself. Keep a record of your accomplishments, both quantitative and qualitative, and seize opportunities to share them within your organization.

Pursue Continuous Learning

To be recognized as an expert in your field, continuously develop your knowledge and skills. Identify in-demand skills within your company and industry, and pursue materials, courses, certifications, or programs that provide relevant knowledge and credentials. Many organizations offer online learning or fund continuing education. Choose courses and certifications that align with your primary goals and are practical for your career stage.

Build Strong Relationships

Career experts advise against waiting to network until you need a job. Building relationships is crucial for advancing in your field, company, and industry. Cultivate strong, strategic relationships with your manager, other leaders, peers, and select individuals in your company and industry.

You never know which past acquaintance might be key to your future advancement. Staying in touch is a skill that can be developed, even for more introverted individuals. Foster lifelong career colleagues by arranging casual lunches and meetings, messaging people just to say hello, and reaching out when you don’t need anything from them.

Exhibit Leadership Qualities

Regardless of your job title, act like a leader. Develop your situation sensors. Get involved in projects outside your area. Participate in extracurricular activities.

Leaders are defined by the value they deliver, the responsibility they take, the ideas they generate, and particularly by how they treat people. Be articulate and polite, share the spotlight with others, develop the skill of tactful persuasion, and be an active listener.

While every individual and organization is different, following these key strategies will increase your opportunity to be recognized and receive a promotion.